Back in Amsterdam & ready to build some business

How I add value to my customers, to get sustainable business results in times of transition.



Understand & realize innovations within and outside your organization & work towards a clear objective.


Assure that your innovation teams have clear ownership & can decide freely within agreed objectives.


Measure traction

Develop data-driven metrics. Innovation involves implementation in uncertainty, here is no room for vanity-metrics.

Business cases

Business-cases become value cases. Values are why you do what you do and the basis for all your developments.

Ideation pipeline

Continuous pursuit of solutions in the market with clear procedures for ideation, discovery and validation.


Activate intrapreneurs and collaboration with external (niche-) partners or startups.

Clear budget & mandates

Show sincerity and commitment to change by dedicated budgets and clear mandates.

Leadership engagement

Have internal & external leadership engagement. Not just for updates.

Corporate agility

Stay connected and adaptive to a continuous state of change.


Skin in the game

Take ownership by investing in promising solutions in the market.

Innovate better. Come find me.

Let’s Start a Conversation

Hans Dijkstra